Saturday, July 27, 2013


I finished this little punched tulip tonight. I made it to fit on the top of a metal box. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to finish the edges. Maybe some trim or rik-rak. I used three colors of floss for the background as I wanted a varigated look without the cost of hand-dyed floss, though I do love it so! I hope to get another punched piece started tomorrow....maybe some pumpkins. :-)  The cooler weather we've had the past few days is making me think autumn, my favorite time of the year.
Have a good weekend.


Rugs and Pugs said...

Very sweet. The background looks great.
Enjoy the weather. It's already raining this AM. So nice to still have green grass at this time of the summer!
Hugs :)

Robin Leuschen said...

It's beautiful !! Love it !!!

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