My son had a high school band competition on Saturday. After that was done, and before I had to deliver a Thirty-One Gifts party order to my hostess, I stopped at one of our local thrift stores. I hadn't been to this particular store in a while and they had done some re-arranging of their home goods area. All of the wooden items were now together in one spot. It was wonderful! There was this huge box on the floor and I figured it was just a box, like an old sewing box or something. It was heavy as sin!
I opened the little latch and couldn't believe my eyes.
Noah and all of his animals came tumbling out! Each pair appear to have their own cubby. I don't know if they are handmade or not, but it's still a wonderful treasure. It's a pretty good sized box, painted dark red with goldish stars. The paint is chipping and the label they used for the price tag pulled off some paint too, but I think with a little love and dark stain it will be okay.
The back of the box is painted with the ocean and a rainbow of course. The Ark has what appears to be metal flashing around it so it's not a great toy to give to a child, but I'm keeping this for myself anyway. : )
These little kitties........
....and these little sheep are my favorites of course.
And there are two drawers where I keep the fish.
The little orange blur in the background is Cinnamon coming to see what I was up to. |
There were also these letter blocks inside, but I don't think they are part of the set as they are painted a bit differently.
I don't know if this is handmade, but I love it! I paid $5 for it and I probably would have paid twice that. I apologize for the less then stellar photos. I lost part of the charger for my camera and the battery is dead. These cell phone pics aren't too bad though.